MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! What's winter mean for Christmas

Hi I just want to say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU.

Some people always asking or even some other people are whining why Christmas is always cold, and full of snow, how great it is in southern country when in this time of year they have summer. But for me the best Christmas is when it's in the cold winter! Why?

Let me give you the answer behind the meaning Christmas in winter is the best.
Because Christmas is the time for us to share the WARMTH of our love, passion, and care towards other people that we love. Share the warmth by helping others, by meet all of our families again, by hugging your spouse n children, it's the warmth. And, you know, the warmth only feel best at the coldest time. So the one we love can know how we feel towards them by giving the warmth of our heart to them in the coldest time of the year.

Just think what Christmas would like when it's happen in summer... It's hot already and how can we share our warmth, so always be grateful for what we have. 

So just like I said, always see things from the positive side... :D
and once more, have a MERRY n WARM CHRISTMAS!!!

Best Regards
Sleeping Wiseman

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